Gasp... Learning the Language of LOVE

So, do you really want to make your loved ones gasp? With this post, I will teach you how! With this knowledge, you can open up new worlds of love in your relationships. 

One of the most important things to learn about another person, while in a relationship, is their love language. It doesn't matter if this relationsihp is romatic, friendly, or amongst family members. It is also important to know your own individual love language.

By love language, I mean the way you express and communicate your love to others. For some people, it is by giving their free time and undivided attention to someone they love, while for others it may to shower the ones they love with gifts and material things, some might show their love by physical intimacy, like hugs, kisses, or massages,  others might just say really heartfelt things as a way to express love to the ones they. There are about 7 different love languages.

It's important to know and pay attention to other people's love languages, especially if they differ from your own. Why? Because if you don't speak their love language, you may not realize all of the love they are trying to give you.

Here is a fine example:

My dear friend Heather's love language is to spend quality time with her loved ones and deeply know them. Her father lives across the world in Thailand, so he is unable to show her the type of loves she understands, and when they are physically together, he still fails to love her in the way she wishes to be loved. His love language, on the other hand, is to give gifts/material things. He loved her so much he bought her a house. Heather didn't think this was love, she thought it was a cop out for not spending quality time with her, and she grew up thinking that her father never really loved her.

Well, he did love her; he loved her a lot, she just wasn't able to speak his same love language. That is why it is so important to understand that people receive and express love differently, if you have an awareness of these different love languages, you may see much more love around you with a much wider lense than the narrow scope you were looking through before.